Bill Finger

While Kane privately admitted in a 1980s audio interview with his autobiographer that Finger was responsible for "50–75% of all the creativity in Batman," he publicly denied Finger had been anything more than a subcontractor executing Kane's ideas for decades. As a result, Finger died in obscurity and poverty while the Batman brand, and Kane, amassed international fame and wealth. In the 2000s, Finger biographer Marc Tyler Nobleman's research uncovered previously unknown heirs. At the urging of Nobleman, the online comics fan community, and others, Finger's granddaughter revived the fight to restore his lost legacy, which continued for years. In 2015, DC Comics's parent company conditionally agreed to recognize Finger's intellectual property claim as co-creator of the Batman characters and mythos, officially adding his name, going forward, to the "created by" credit line Kane had been contractually guaranteed in 1939. Provided by Wikipedia
by Kane, Bob, Finger, Bill, 1914-1974, Siegel, Jerry, 1914-1996, Shuster, Joe, 1914-1992
Published 2016Video DVD
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by Kane, Bob, Finger, Bill, 1914-1974, Robinson, Jerry, 1922-2011, Dini, Paul, Timm, Bruce
Published 2024Video DVD
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