Vladimir Nabokov
![Nabokov in [[Montreux]], Switzerland, 1973](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/87/Vladimir_Nabokov_1973.jpg)
From 1948 to 1959, Nabokov was a professor of Russian literature at Cornell University. His 1955 novel ''Lolita'' ranked fourth on Modern Library's list of the 100 best 20th-century novels in 2007 and is considered one of the greatest works of 20th-century literature. Nabokov's ''Pale Fire'', published in 1962, ranked 53rd on the same list. His memoir, ''Speak, Memory'', published in 1951, is considered among the greatest nonfiction works of the 20th century, placing eighth on Random House's ranking of 20th-century works. Nabokov was a seven-time finalist for the National Book Award for Fiction. He also was an expert lepidopterist and composer of chess problems. Provided by Wikipedia