An owner's guide to parenting teenagersa step-by-step solution-focused approach to raising adolescents without losing your mindBookby Baxter, Pat James
Published 1996Book
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Cómo hablar para que los adolescentes escuchen y cómo escuchar para que los adolescentes hablenBookby Faber, Adele
Published 2006Book
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I'd listen to my parents if they'd just shut upwhat to say and not say when parenting teens todayBookby Wolf, Anthony E.
Published 2011Book
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Masterminds & wingmenhelping our boys cope with schoolyard power locker-room tests girlfriends and the new rules of Boy WorldBookby Wiseman, Rosalind, 1969-
Published 2013Book
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Ending the parent-teen control battleresolve the power struggle and build trust responsibility and respectBookby Brown, Neil D.
Published 2016Book
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Crazy-stressedsaving today's overwhelmed teens with love laughter and the science of resilience byBookby Bradley, Michael J., 1951-
Published 2017Book
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Staying connected to your teenagerhow to keep them talking to you and how to hear what they're really sayingBookby Riera, Michael
Published 2017Book
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Queen bees & wannabeshelping your daughter survive cliques gossip boyfriends and other realities of girl worldBookby Wiseman, Rosalind, 1969-
Published 2009Book
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Cómo convivir con hijos adolescentespermaneciendo en sintonía con ellos y proporcionándoles una verdadera ayuda en sus vidasBookby Nolte, Dorothy
Published 2005Book
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