Foreign bookbindings in the British museum;illustrations of sixty-three examples selected on account of their beauty or historical interest;Bookby Fletcher, William Younger, 1830-1913
Published 1896Book
The works of Geoffrey Chaucer and others;being a reproduction in fasimile of the first collected edition 1532 from the copy in the British museum;Bookby Chaucer, Geoffrey, -1400
Published 1905Book
Universal classic manuscriptsfac-similes from originals in the Department of manuscripts British museum of royal historic and diplomatic documents letters avtographs of kings qveensprinces statesmen generals avthors etc With descriptions editorial notes references and translationsBookPublished 1901Book
The compleat angler or The contemplative man's recreationBeing a discourse of fish and fishing not unworthy the perusal of most anglersBookby Walton, Izaak, 1593-1683
Published 1653Book
Catalogus universalis librorumin omni facultate linguaque insignium & rarissimorum; non solum ex catalogis bibliothecarum Bodleianae Lugduno-Batavae Ultrajectinae Barberinae Thuanae Cordesianae Tellerianae Slusianae & Heinsianae sed etiam ex omnibus fere aliis praelo impressis magno labore & sumptu in usum studiosorum collectusBookby Hartley, John, active 1697-1709
Published 1699Book
by Hindley, Charles, -1893
Published 1878Book